
 Amanda Grace
Posted On November 27th, 2018

Taken from Patreon:

Amanda Grace Endured a 16 year battle with an uncommon autoimmune neuropathy called small fiber neuropathy that ended her up in a wheelchair in 2014, unable to move from the waist down. With mountain moving faith and God's intervention she miraculously got up out that wheelchair and started an incredible Journey with the Lord to health and Redemption from what she lost. Prophetically Charged Mountain Moving faith is what Amanda Grace preaches as she teaches the Word of God to Others and brings encouragement to those enduring a difficult time. She also has an animal sanctuary, Ark of Grace, that she frequently incorporates into her you tube channel and Biblical teachings. Amanda desires to see those persevere with the help of the Lord and truly turn their trials into testimonies.

(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*)
  Prophecies: 100 - Sources: 248 
A Changing Of The Planets Magnetic Polls -  Source 1 
A Clash At Sea -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5 
A Lesser and Greater Virus -  Source 1 
A New Soros Shall Arise -  Source 1 
A Season of Extreme Weather -  Source 1 
A Shakeup in the US Military -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
A Worldwide Pre-Tribulation "End of Age" Harvest and Revival -  Source 1 
Abortion Will End -  Source 1 
America and Israel Will Become Oil Super Powers -  Source 1 
An Attack On Cryptos -  Source 1   Source 2 
An Outbreak of Supernatural Youth and Healing -  Source 1 
Election Integrity Will Be Restored -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
Failure of the Oroville Dam -  Source 1 
Five Presidents Shall Fall -  Source 1   Source 2 
Global Economic Reset -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4 
God Shall Save Australia and New Zealand -  Source 1   Source 2 
God will use Trump to shake up America's enemies -  Source 1 
God's Miraculous Provision Of Food and Other Needs -  Source 1 
Great Exposures Shall Abound -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5 
Great Floods Coming To The Earth -  Source 1   Source 2 
Looting of the Rich -  Source 1 
Major Biblical Discoveries Will Be Made -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
Massive Exodus of People From America -  Source 1 
Mega Banks Collapse -  Source 1 
Miraculous Cures For Many Diseases Revealed -  Source 1   Source 2 
Misc Prophecies -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
New Energy Sources Will Arise -  Source 1   Source 2 
Palestinian Attack on Israel from Gaza -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
Potential Future Sources, Proofs, and Teachings -  Source 1 
Prophecies of the Auto Industry -  Source 1   Source 2 
Pushback By The People -  Source 1 
Sign Prophecies -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5 
Solar Tsunami -  Source 1 
Submarines, the USA, and the World -  Source 1 
The 2024 Election -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Arrest and Removal Of Those Who Are Corrupt -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
The Blessing of the Obedient and Cursing of the Disobedient -  Source 1 
The Collapse and Remaking of the Tech Giants -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
The Crash of the Stock Market -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Curtailing of Homosexuality and Sexual Deviancy -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
The Destruction and Removal of US Monuments -  Source 1 
The Destruction of America -  Source 1 
The Destruction of Cern -  Source 1 
The Destruction of the Statue of Liberty -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4 
The Dust Bowl Will Become Extremely Wet -  Source 1 
The Fall And Rebirth Of the EU -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5   Source 6   Source 7   Source 8 
The Fall of Chuck Schumer -  Source 1 
The Fall of Green Energy and the Green Agenda -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Fall of Justin Trudeau -  Source 1 
The Fall of Many World Leaders -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Fall of the UN -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5 
The Fall of the US Congress -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4 
The Humbling and Judgment of Russia -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
The Humbling and Revival of China -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5   Source 6   Source 7   Source 8   Source 9 
The Judgement and Remaking of the Medical Industry -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4 
The Judgement and Revival of Turkey -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Judgement of Hollywood -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Judgement of The Food Industry -  Source 1 
The Judgment and Rebirth of Iran -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4 
The Judgment of Disney -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
The Judgment of Iraq -  Source 1 
The Judgment of the Educational System -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Judgment of the Media -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Judgment of the Three Letter Agencies -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5 
The Judgment of the White House -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Oil Wars -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Africa -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
The Prophecies of Benjamin Netanyahu -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4 
The Prophecies of Donald Trump -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Egypt -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Ireland -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Israel -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5   Source 6   Source 7 
The Prophecies of Italy -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Prophecies of Mexico -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
The Prophecies of New York -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5   Source 6   Source 7 
The Prophecies of South America -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
The Prophecies of Taiwan -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of the United Kingdom -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5   Source 6 
The Prophecies of Vadimir Putin -  Source 1 
The Rebirth of Canada -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5 
The Rebirth of Paris and France -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Remaking of the Media -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Restoration and Lifting Up of Ukraine -  Source 1 
The Restoration and Protection of the USA -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Restoration of Illinois and Chicago -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4   Source 5   Source 6   Source 7 
The Return of the Prodigals -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Revival of Hawaii -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
The Rise of a New American Political Party -  Source 1 
The Rise of Donald and Melania Trump (The King and Esther) -  Source 1 
Last Updated: Sunday, January 9th, 2022 at 10:53am