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 Prophecy:   The Prophecies of Vadimir Putin

 Name:   Amanda Grace

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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FOR PUTIN MAY ISSUE THREATS AGAINST MY FIRSTBORN AS THE MUSLIM WORLD INFLUENCES HIS THINKING HOWEVER HE HAS BEGUN DOWN A ROAD OF PERDITION FOR HIS THREATS AND THE BLOODSHED AND INNOCENT LIVES TAKEN ARE A STAIN ON YOU OH PUTIN ARE A STAIN ON YOU OH ZELENSKY FOR BOTH HAVE ACTED RECKLESSLY AND BOTH ARE BEING WEIGHED ON THE SCALES IN MY COURTS AND I THE LORD SHALL DECIDE WHAT BECOMES OF YOUR SEATS FOR PUTIN IS PERCOLATING TO ADVANCE EVEN FURTHER THAN UKRAINE AS THE RELIGION OF THE FAR EAST USES HIM AS THEIR OX, WELL SAYS THE LORD OX GET STUCK IN THE MUD AND BEARS EVENTUALLY MUST GO INTO HIBERNATIONS. However says the Lord a covenant has been made in Ukraine that must be destroyed says the Lord, the leader has consulted witches and occultists in his desperation has conjured up deliverance from a darkness that now has him in bondage as a tool of their use now in the world and that must be cleansed from the land says the Lord for Saul has allowed the sorceries back into the land and for such the Kingdom shall be torn away says the Lord.

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Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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