Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy here at Prophecy Index is simple.  We don't collect ANY of your information.  The only thing we *might* gain access to is your email address, and ONLY if you make a submission to us, and that is ONLY used if we have questions for you about your submission.  In 99% of cases we won't.  Beyond that it'll never be used.  And yes, we have Disqus, but anything they do is on them, so you'll have to take up any discussions about that with Disqus.  Beyond that, nothing we do here at gathers, collects, stores, or otherwise uses your information, at all, period.  It's that simple. :)  Anything that we *might* collect would be handled through 3rd party sites like Facebook and Twitter, and all that information falls under their rules, not ours.  So you have nothing to worry about us. :)


Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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