Viewing Prophecy

The Prophecies of Israel Print
Posted On April 3rd, 2022
  Status:   Pending: 12   In Progress: 7   Partial Fulfillment: 2   Fulfilled: 6  

This entry is a collection of modern prophecies (not biblical) that are specific to Israel as a nation.

(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*)
  Supporting Verses:   None
  Teachings and Explanations: 
  Source Keys:    
Prophecy Type:     Unknown: Prophecy: Vision: Dream:
Prophecy Status:   Unknown (U)   Pending (P)   In Progress (IP)   Partial Fulfillment (PF)   Fulfilled (F)   Failed (D) 
  Proofs and Sources: (27)   
  P  Amanda Grace  
  PF  Amanda Grace (54) 
  IP  Amanda Grace (17) 
  F  Amanda Grace (21) 
  F  Amanda Grace (2) 
  IP  Amanda Grace (1) 
  P  Amanda Grace  
  P  Charlie Shamp  
  P  Chris Reed  
  IP  Hank Kunneman (5) 
  IP  Hank Kunneman (3) 
  P  Hank Kunneman  
  P  Hank Kunneman  
  P  Julie Green  
  IP  Julie Green (32) 
  F  Julie Green (42) 
  P  Julie Green (2) 
  IP  Julie Green (55) 
  F  Julie Green (2) 
  F  Julie Green (10) 
  F  Julie Green (3) 
  IP  Julie Green (30) 
  P  Kim Clement  
  PF  Leslie Johnson (7) 
**Proofs and Fulfillments can now be found under the individual source entries above.**
  Keywords:   Israel, Nation, Freedom, Future, Destiny, Judgment, Restoration
Last Updated: Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 at 9:15am
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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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