The gist of this prophecy is that, when the upcoming revival and end times harvest breaks out (which is happening right now), it will be accompanied by great volumes of supernatural healing. One of the things that will accompany it will be supernatural youth. Yes, believers will become young again, as best I understand it. But how exactly that'll work out, I don't know. The only thing I know is that many will be made youthful again. Believers everywhere will be healed of ALL their ailments, directly by God, and nobody will be sick, feeble, infirmed, etc. All will be 100% healthy.
EDIT (2023-03-22): I'm hearing rumors of this happening now that the revivals have begun. However, I'm having trouble finding testimonies of that. If you, or someone you know, has recently been supernaturally healed, please send me your testimony and I'll get it logged here, as it'll help provide proofs that the below listed prophecies are in fact happening. Thanks.
(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error?
Please let me know. Thanks*)