Viewing Prophet Profile
Hank Kunneman     Print
Posted On November 15th, 2018

From Lord of Hosts Church Website:

Hank Kunneman is the Senior Pastor of Lord of Hosts Church and founder of One Voice Ministries. God uses his uncompromising voice to stir up the body of Christ.

Pastor Hank is known for a strong prophetic anointing as he preaches. He is incredibly accurate in the Word of Knowledge and Prophecy concerning nations and world events.
God uses him in demonstrations of the Spirit, with many testifying of healing and miracles.

Pastor Hank ministers in conferences and churches both nationally and internationally. He has appeared on Daystar, TBN Praise the Lord, Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and other well-known television broadcasts. He and his wife, Brenda, also preach as a team, flowing together uniquely in prophetic demonstrations, including tongues and interpretation.

Hank is a published author with Destiny Image and Charisma House. His books include: Prophecy with the Wind in Your Mouth, My Heart Cries Abba Father, The Revealer of Secrets, Barrier Breakers, and Don't Leave God Alone. He has also written and created several children's books.

(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*)
  Prophecies: 57 - Sources: 86 
A Famine In The Midst Of Plenty -  Source 1 
A Period of Grace for America -  Source 1 
A Season of Extreme Weather -  Source 1   Source 2 
A Shakeup in the US Military -  Source 1 
A United North America -  Source 1 
America and Israel Will Become Oil Super Powers -  Source 1 
Bitter Cold and Snow Shall Abound -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
Coastal and Midwest Earthquakes -  Source 1   Source 2 
Election Integrity Will Be Restored -  Source 1 
Gas below a dollar, and the judgment of OPEC -  Source 1 
Global Economic Reset -  Source 1   Source 2 
God Will Restore California -  Source 1 
God's Miraculous Provision Of Food and Other Needs -  Source 1 
Great Exposures Shall Abound -  Source 1   Source 2 
Information Blackout -  Source 1 
Miraculous Cures For Many Diseases Revealed -  Source 1 
Misc Prophecies -  Source 1   Source 2 
New Energy Sources Will Arise -  Source 1 
Power Outages and Cyber Attacks -  Source 1 
Pushback By The People -  Source 1 
Sign Prophecies -  Source 1 
Submarines, the USA, and the World -  Source 1 
The Arrest and Removal Of Those Who Are Corrupt -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Crash of the Stock Market -  Source 1 
The Curtailing of Homosexuality and Sexual Deviancy -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3 
The Destruction and Removal of US Monuments -  Source 1 
The Dust Bowl Will Become Extremely Wet -  Source 1 
The Fall of Many World Leaders -  Source 1 
The Fall of the Democratic Party -  Source 1 
The Fall of the US Congress -  Source 1 
The Federal Reserve Will Fall -  Source 1 
The Humbling and Revival of China -  Source 1 
The Judgment and Rebirth of Iran -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Judgment of the Media -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Benjamin Netanyahu -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Donald Trump -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Georgia (usa state) -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Israel -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4 
The Prophecies of South America -  Source 1 
The Prophecies of Vadimir Putin -  Source 1 
The Rebirth of Canada -  Source 1   Source 2   Source 3   Source 4 
The Rebirth of Paris and France -  Source 1 
The Remaking of the Media -  Source 1 
The Removal of Corrupt Military Generals -  Source 1 
The Restoration and Lifting Up of Ukraine -  Source 1 
Last Updated: Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 at 11:18am
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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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