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 Prophecy:   God's Miraculous Provision Of Food and Other Needs

 Name:   Hank Kunneman

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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Summary or Prophecy Text

And so, the Spirit of the Lord declares, "As in the days when Elijah spoke and he said, 'I hear... I hear' – something that was not understood or heard at the time, until he spoke it, because it was already beginning to manifest. And so I say to you, there are things that are moving, swirling and coming fast that you may not see. You may not even know that it is happening, or that it's on its way." But the Spirit of God says, "Elijah declared, 'I hear a sound of an abundance of rain' (1 Kings 18:41).

"And so, listen to Me as I speak to you at this time. Do you hear the sound of swift change? Do you hear the sound of sudden change? Do you hear and know that there is not just rain?" But God says, "Listen. I speak and I declare the word 'abundance.'

"For in a time when the enemy would desire to choke you – to bring you into fear because of inflation," God says, "watch My inflation. Watch My abundance. Watch My increase that shall flatten his inflation and what the enemy has thought to cripple this nation and your economy and your finances.


Word of the Lord given on February 23, 2020: "Watch the rains in the barren places of this land, the places of drought, and in the places of your agriculture, because I am doing something to honor this nation through your farmers, through your agriculture, that shall minister bread to the nations of the world, but shall stimulate your economy; that shall break and set records that have not been listed before upon your record books, United States."

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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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