Viewing Prophet Profile
Chris Reed         Print
Posted On March 22nd, 2022

Taken from Elijah Streams: 

Chris Reed first felt called to minister at the age of twelve. He started accepting invitations to minister on a regular basis at the age of fourteen, and after turning nineteen, he began serving as an assistant pastor. After turning twenty-five, he was elected senior pastor of The Revival Center in Peru, Indiana, where everyone present witnessed significant advancement in the kingdom of God. In July 2021, Chris, his wife Missy, and their children relocated to Fort Mill, South Carolina, where Chris now serves as Lead Pastor of MorningStar Church. Chris is also actively training to become President of MorningStar Ministries as Rick Joyner's successor. Chris has a mandate to train, equip, and help believers step into their ministries and find their purpose and role in changing the world.

(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*)
  Prophecies: 34 - Sources: 42 
A Clash At Sea -  Source 1 
A Lesser and Greater Virus -  Source 1 
A New American Dollar -  Source 1 
A Season of Extreme Weather -  Source 1 
Catastrophic Rise in Gas Prices -  Source 1 
Coastal and Midwest Earthquakes -  Source 1 
Donald Trump Will Become President Twice -  Source 1 
Droughts, Home Gardens And Hyper Food Scarcity -  Source 1 
Global Economic Reset -  Source 1 
Major Biblical Discoveries Will Be Made -  Source 1 
Major Riots and Martial Law World Wide -  Source 1 
Massive Terrorist Slaughter of Americans -  Source 1 
Misc Prophecies -  Source 1 
New Energy Sources Will Arise -  Source 1 
Solar Tsunami -  Source 1 
The Border Wall Will Be Built -  Source 1 
The Fall And Rebirth Of the EU -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Fall of the Bidens -  Source 1   Source 2 
The Fall of the US Congress -  Source 1 
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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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