I had an intense dream Saturday, March 9th, 2024, that seemed prophetic about the eclipse in April 2024 (on the 8th), that is being talked about, triggering an awakening that started in April 2024, and lasted until July 2025. I was moving fast in time, starting in April 2024 (with the eclipse that crossed over Texas, which people have been talking about it seemed Texas was pulled into this).
A conception happened at this time, and coincided with this eclipse, leading to something serious happening in the nation before the elections in November 2024. This "event" caused absolute chaos and affected the elections in the US in November 2024. I seemed like an epic "October Surprise", and pandemonium ensued. I knew that President Biden had fizzled out, and they had tried hard to prop him up.
This "event" caused a major division of America right before, and during the election time. It intensified the division to a very scary and intense level. And then the dream shifted, and it was somehow 1968, and I was given an old newspaper which said, "Assassination of two major leaders in the same year of the Chicago Convention." I knew that was Robert Kennedy Sr. and Martin Luther King Jr, who were both killed in 1968.
Admin Note: The above portion is FULFILLED.
But through all of this painful chaos in the streets, economy, and on the news, America had a HUGE awakening of awareness of the evil and corruption going on in America. It was like the vast majority of the nation said, "We can never let this happen again! We can't!" At the end of the dream it was July 2025. July 11th was highlighted to me. It seemed like most of the chaos had ended in the nation, and things started to heal by July 2025.
It had all started in April/May 2024, with the Eclipse/Conception, and was 40 weeks of pregnancy with intense birth pangs intensifying before the delivery, and then there were complications before the birth AND after the (40 weeks) birth. The birth was in January 2025, and was placed in an incubator. The baby lived, and it was beautiful. The baby was named "America". (ie, America will be reborn)
Admin Note: Something to be aware of. Since a large portion of this involves other prophecies, you'll find additional proofs to this source on the "A Worldwide Pre-Tribulation "End of Age" Harvest and Revival", "The Judgment of the Three Letter Agencies", "A Famine In The Midst Of Plenty" and "Global Economic Reset" prophecies.