Taken from drpatriciaonline.com:
Dr. Patricia L. Green is the founder and president of JOY Ministries Worldwide, a nonprofit ministry whose mission is to take the Gospel message into the nations. JOY is an acronym for Jesus Of Yahweh of whom she preaches.
Patricia travels to remote areas in Africa and India to reach isolated people groups with God’s truth and has witnessed mighty deliverances, divine healings, and salvation through Jesus Christ. Her life’s passion and work is to see millions of people saved through Jesus Christ so heaven is their eternal destination. She also teaches and equips others for the work of the ministry through Pastors and Church leader’s seminars, prayer and worship meetings, and Bible study groups.
Patricia graduated from Vision Christian Bible College and Seminary with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, a Master’s Degree in Missiology and a PhD in Philosophy of Religion specializing in World Evangelism. Patricia resides in western Pennsylvania where her ministry center is also based.
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