Taken from https://jeremiahjohnson.tv/about/:
Jeremiah Johnson received his God given name through a prophetic dream his mother had while he was in her womb. God said that he would be a prophetic messenger and dreamer to the nations, but great complications would mark his birth. Months later, Jeremiah was delivered dead in the delivery room with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. However, God intervened and the medical team was able to save both Jeremiah and his mother’s life.
Jeremiah was raised in a Charismatic environment where his father pastored a church outside of Indianapolis, IN for nearly 15 years. From the time he was 7 years old, Jeremiah began receiving regular prophetic encounters from dreams and visions at night, to sharing the word of the Lord as he matured in age. God pouring out His Spirit through miracles, prophecy, signs and wonders, and the five fold ministry were all part of the foundation and heritage that Jeremiah was privileged to be raised in as a child and youth.
Jeremiah graduated from Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL where he earned his bachelors degree in Church Ministries. He entered full time ministry at the age of 20 and has had the privilege of traveling and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and prophesying in more than 15 foreign countries and 35 states.
In 2010, Jeremiah planted Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, FL and currently serves on the Eldership Team full time. This community of believers has grown into a gathering of more than 350 saints hungry for revival, prayer, and a mighty harvest of souls. Along with pastoring and being one of the Elders at this growing church plant, Jeremiah also travels and ministers prophetically to leaders and churches all over the United States and abroad. He carries a prophetic message of encountering Jesus Christ and living a consecrated life unto God in more than 35 churches and conferences a year under his traveling ministry, “Jeremiah Johnson Ministries”.
Jeremiah loves revival history and has a passion to see a Third Great Awakening sweep through America through a message of repentance, holiness, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. He loves to train and equip prophetic people and prophets in their gifting and teach them how to be an asset and blessing to the body of Christ, not collateral damage. He has authored several books on prophetic ministry and is currently working on several more projects.
Jeremiah is married to his beautiful wife Morgan and they have three children: Bella Grace, Israel David, and Lydia Joy. In his spare time, Jeremiah enjoys going to the gym, reading books, and eating American food.
For more information about Heart of the Father Ministry, the church Jeremiah planted in Lakeland, FL please visit www.hotfmlakeland.com. You can catch Jeremiah in Lakeland, FL serving and preaching when he is not ministering on the road or visit him at one of the many cities or nations that he ministers in each year.
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Please let me know. Thanks*)