I’m going to increase it all. I am going to take this thing the enemy has thought he has had and flip it on its head. I (The Lord God) am going to do all that I’ve said. I’m going to take everything the enemy has meant for harm and turn it around. Those who have lied, cheated, and stolen will be held to account. I am going to make everything come out. I will not allow him to stay hidden, to lurk in the shadows any more. Oh Beloved, you must know that the time of Great rejoicing is upon you. You must know that. I shall be there with you when you dance. I shall, says the Lord. Those things that have been difficult. I am going to pull the pin right out of them and the whole thing shall come crashing down. Watch me do it. No one has seen what I am about to do. I am remaking. I am building “A NEW”. Be my love, stay close by me, for I shall keep those who are in the covering of my wing. Justice served, is Justice deserved, says the Lord. When they look, they will not find one that will remain faithful to them. I am moving, I am renewing, I am making all things new. Plenty is coming to my people. I will shower them with Blessings. I am the God who will bring forth all that I have said.