I hear The Spirit say, "This Nation has been out of time, out of tune and out of step with My Spirit. Watch, as a supernatural resetting of the times and seasons begins to take place over the four Nations of this land. Yes! For Satan has sought to alter the times and seasons, but Watch and Pray, for My Desire is to bring the four back into the sheep fold.
Watch, as My Hand of Justice and Judgment will begin to move strategically and with surgical precision in the days ahead, to bring an unblocking to the four chambers of the sick and diseased heart of this Nation, for surely I tell you, My Spirit is moving to bring a Divine Reconstruction and a Reconfiguration within the heart of the four Nations that has beat out of time and out of rhythm with My Heart for this land.
Watch, as I bring to birth a new Kingdom Movement in this Nation! Listen! For I say to you, it's time! It's time! It's time for a time of Silence, Separation and even a time of Isolation has not been in vain, but has been for the purpose of Purification unto Transformation. Listen! For the silence and the stillness in The Realm of The Spirit that has been over this land shall suddenly be broken.
I say, look to Big Ben! Yes! For the chiming of Big Ben will be heard and will herald a Changing of The Guard, and this shall be a sign that the Nation is now entered into the 11th hour. For a Nation that has moved out of My Divine Time is now being Realigned, Reordered and Remantled for a great Awakening and Reformation Movement is now beginning! (FULFILLED)