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 Prophecy:   The Prophecies of the United Kingdom

 Name:   Julie Green

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Partial Fulfillment  

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Summary or Prophecy Text

Summary: Starting at 4:25m. A clock tower will be destroyed in this hour known as Big Ben. This sign is for Prince Charles and the rest of his team. They are coming down just like that.

Starting at 15:20m. The queen's death will hit the royals, and shake some, because they know it was no accident. But Charles, you will not get that crown, no matter what, even if you followed their instructions, and went through with it. Big Ben will be your sign you are going down for the One World Government, and their Great Reset. You are your own mother's murderer. (FULFILLED)


You will never have the royal crown, no matter how bad you wanted it, or how close you came to it. (FULFILLED)
Admin Note: I'm putting this one back on the table because I've recently come to learn that what we thought was true about Charles actually isn't. From what I understand, if he's not legally in line for the throne, which he is not, then it doesn't matter if he got the crown or not, because he cannot legally be the king. Only William can. And yes, I do realize that this is a bit of a legal gray area, but it does fulfill the prophecy about his ascending to the throne.  As for Big Ben, I'm not sure what to think about that one yet, but we'll see.

Admin Note2: I just found out that apparently the coronation was faked (like so many other similar events) so he's not actually king, and never can be.

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