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 Prophecy:   A Period of Grace for America

 Name:   Kim Clement

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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Summary or Prophecy Text

Starts at 17:35:  America will experience a 7 year period of unprecedented grace, effluence, riches and prosperity. There is no marker on when it will start, and when it will end. However, the idea that all debts will be wiped away is put forward.
Admin Note: The more things unfold, the more I'm getting the feeling that this will occur sometime after 2024. But we have to go through the global economic collapse and reset first, which will trigger this event as a good consequence.  Also, there are others who say 10 years instead of 7.  If it is 10 years, it does not invalidate this one as both can be true if the total time period is 10 years.

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Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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