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 Prophecy:   Your Enemies Will Tear Themselves Apart

 Name:   Julie Green

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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The jackal is howling in your White House. He is injured, but others will join him to fight against the ravenous wolves on the other side. They are in survival mode, and they are willing to do anything to survive this catastrophic failure and the destruction of this establishment. The wolves and the jackals will devour one another while the world watches. 

I told you before that a civil war and a great divide in Washington is growing. It has grown to new levels of deception. They do not care who they backstab to save themselves. Many people in the establishment in your capital are making deals to hide their own secrets while exposing other’s secrets so that they can destroy the ones on the other side of this great divide. 

They will continue to try to push their agendas and the direction their establishment should go to take out My David and this country the rest of the way. But, they are not in agreement with the plan made by the puppet masters because others think they have a better plan, and their voices are not being heard. 

Anger is growing toward the new puppet that has been put in the spotlight. Some will sabotage her supposed campaign and her running mate so that they can have a say in the pick that they think will not lose the election. 

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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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