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 Prophecy:   Massive Terrorist Slaughter of Americans

 Name:   Rick Joyner

 Source URL:   Unfortunately, no link is available

 Type:   Dream  

 Status:    Pending  

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Summary or Prophecy Text

Summary of Prophecy (taken from Facebook):

Last year (2014) I had a series of dreams about ISIS, along with even more ruthless terrorists infiltrating our country. This led to a butchery of U.S. citizens that was more cruel and vile than I would have thought even the most evil humans were capable of. The country ultimately prevailed against this attack, but one end result of this was that the whole country turned against the Federal Government. Some even wanted to do to our Federal government leaders what had been done to our citizens by the butchers. Federal agents were fleeing for their lives in many states there was such outrage at the Fed. gov. for allowing these attacks on our country to happen.

In the dream I knew it would take the greatest leadership we have ever had to pull the country back together, but this was the heart of God. He said that we were the "United" States and that we could not fulfill our destiny by being divided. At the end of the dream trying to unite the nation again was the greatest burden I had, but the country was even more divided than after the Civil War.

I was shown in these dreams that if we (the U.S.) did not rise up with resolve to seal our borders by the beginning of 2015 we would not be able to prevent this attack from happening. After this counties, cities and states should prepare to defend themselves.

These dreams were prophetic warnings, they are now unfolding just as I saw, and this is very hard to bear. I know this can cause me to come across too intense at times, but I think if anyone saw even a fraction of what I saw you would understand my intensity. We are about to face some of the worst evil ever released on earth. We still have time to prepare, and reduce the damage, but we must prepare. Even movies like the Lord of the Rings were divinely inspired warnings about the evil that is now gathering. Many key people have heard these warnings, and they will arise with the leadership they have been given at the needed time.

Though I was shown to never give up on our country, it is up to the communities and states to defend themselves from what is coming. Our Fed. gov. has been rendered incapable of doing it, and many in it are culpable for what is now descending on us. These will be held accountable.

Through it all, the final result will be a renewed and far more purified nation. We will come out of this with a clear vision of our purpose and destiny. Never give up. Regardless of how dark it gets for a time, we have a brilliant future.

There are no proofs to display at this time.

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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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