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 Prophecy:   The 2024 Election

 Name:   Amanda Grace

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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Summary or Prophecy Text

Thus says the Lord, the Rose Garden just watch says the Lord, the events that unfold and what is spoken out of such a place that has many thorns hidden in such Bushes says the Lord. Time is short leaders, to repent time is short, a bait and switch says the Lord a bait and switch, watch for the subtleties says the Lord watch for them some are trading their sons for their positions says the Lord they are putting their sons on the wall as a sacrifice, others their sons shall rise up in the coming season and be placed in higher positions they initially did not want however, I the Lord am prodding them. Don’t be a wiseguy says the Lord, be A WISE GUY instead for you do not think you need me but you shall see says the Lord you shall see.


The might of attorneys can only go so far, however, I AM the righteous Judge I am above the legal systems of this world and you shall chase your tail and tire yourself out if you do not fully surrender to ME in this hour, for this is the hour set for destruction of a family line, the father and the sons, this is the hour they have set, they have cast lots, they have even marked such on THEIR calendars believing these chains of accusations shall stop and bind, however, says the Lord there is a weak link in the chain.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, This election shall be different, says the Lord, a war of the roses, the rose garden says the Lord, this shall be different and the sequence unlike those in the past.

There are no proofs to display at this time.

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Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
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