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 Prophecy:   Massive Terrorist Slaughter of Americans

 Name:   *Multiple Sources*

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Dream  

 Status:    Fulfilled  

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There are several different prophecies on this page covering countless terror attacks scattered all over the US in many of the major cities.
At least 12 dead in another weekend of mass shootings across America - Report Link
Uvalde police, school district no longer cooperating with Texas probe of shootin... - Report Link
Frightening details emerge about Texas school shooter's rough home life, strange... - Report Link
Uvalde Live Updates: 2 Police Officers Were Reportedly Shot Early in Gunman’s ... - Report Link
Texas school shooting 7th deadliest mass shooting in recent US history - Report Link
Mass Shootings in 2022 | Gun Violence Archive - Report Link
14 Dead, Nearly 40 Injured in the Wake of 6 Mass Shootings This Weekend | CBN Ne... - Report Link
Grateful Muslim Refugee Plots to BOMB Pittsburgh Church - Geller Report News - Report Link
Inside America’s Counter-Jihad Covert Border War - Report Link
U.S. saw 50% increase in arrests linked to Islamic radicalism in 2019 | Christia... - Report Link
New York City: Muslima gets 15 years for planning to build a bomb for a jihad ma... - Report Link
6 Saudi nationals detained for questioning after NAS Pensacola shooting: officia... - Report Link
Hezbollah terrorist scouted NYC-area locations: feds - Report Link
3,000 Muslim Mosques - 35 Jihadi Terrorist Cell's "Camps" in Amer... - Report Link
Somali Man Stabs Minneapolis Woman 14 Times - Report Link
Refugee with DUI Conviction Charged with Killing 5 U.S. Marines, Spouses - Report Link
Man arrested after saying he wanted to throw grenades in Times Square, sources s... - Report Link
The FBI Has 850 Open Domestic Terrorism Investigations - Defense One - Report Link
Children in Philadelphia Muslim Society Video: 'We Will Chop Off Their Heads for... - Report Link
FBI Arrests Islamist Planning Southern California Terrorist Attack Spree | The S... - Report Link
FBI Says It Thwarted Planned 'Mass Murder' Terror Attack by War Vetera... - Report Link
Pompeo: Several US Citizens Killed In Sri Lanka Attacks - Conservative Daily New... - Report Link
Maine: Man dies after brutal beating by Muslim migrant mob in Lewiston park - Report Link
Two IEDs detonated at Florida mall, No injuries reported. | End Time Headlines - Report Link
Las Vegas shooting: At least 50 dead in massacre Trump calls 'act of pure e... - Report Link
After New York Attack, Congress Wants TSA to Secure Amtrak, Buses - Report Link
Leaked FBI Data Reveal 7,700 Terrorist Encounters in USA in One Year; Border Sta... - Report Link
Houston shooting: Nine injured, suspect dead - Report Link
U.S. Consulate Warns of Terror Threats Against American Hotels in Turkey - Report Link
8 Shot, Including Toddler, In 'Planned' Baltimore Shooting: Cops - Report Link
Chelsea bombing suspect spent weeks at Islamist seminary in Pakistan - Report Link
Mall shooting suspect was 'zombie-like' when arrested, officials say - Report Link
NY town mourns 4 murdered teens, and some blame federal immigration policy - Report Link
Known wolves: Several terrorists were under investigation before they attacked - Report Link
Three teror attacks this weekend but Obama, Clinton stick with PC script about m... - Report Link
'An Act of Terrorism': Investigators Hunting for Clues in NYC Bomb Tha... - Report Link
Clinton condemns spate of 'apparent terrorist attacks' - Report Link
FBI investigates Minnesota stabbings as possible terror act - Report Link
9/11: United States marks 15th anniversary of terror attacks - Report Link
In Wake of 'Jihadist' Orlando Massacre, US Pundits Urge America to Lea... - Report Link
Arab countries denounce Orlando shooting while upholding death penalties from LG... - Report Link
Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS C... - Report Link
Islamic State: Orlando shooter 'one of our soldiers in America' - Report Link
Al Qaeda's online magazine tells terrorists to target U.S. business leaders... - Report Link
Female Killer In Las Vegas Shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ As She Ran Over 40 Innocen... - Report Link

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