Our military will be coming home, the Lord said. Finances are going to force you to shrink the size of the military. It will end up causing cracks to form in the military and end up allowing your country to be invaded if you do not turn your heart to Me.
So I’m starting to read about the shrinking of the military. I’m reading about the numbers, they’re cutting X numbers of, tens of thousands of military positions, I started to read what they’re doing and I’m going, “Oh, my goodness, it’s happening.”
Has there been military excess? Probably. I don’t doubt that, but I also know this is what the Lord said, this is going to be happening. “Your army is going to start shrinking. Your protection is going to start shrinking because you are going to think,
the pride of your heart is going to say, ‘we don’t need it.’”
Admin Note: This prophecy is conditional on the spiritual state of America and, if she turns back to God, this prophecy will be avoided.