The FDA is about to take massive hits, one right after another. A whistleblower is coming that will show this Nation what has been allowed into your food. I have warned you about this and your government, My children. They are not using this system to help you. It is being used to harm and destroy you. I have all the proof, and it will tear them apart.
Oh, United States, your CIA and its narrative are about to crumble. Many things have been covered up. Evidence is coming out to show you the many murders, lies, crimes, and treasonous acts committed against this Nation. This evidence will also show all the presidents and governmental officials involved, all who helped to destroy this Nation, their opponents, or anyone who tried to stop their agendas or power. It will show every setup of anyone who went against their narrative or plans. The CIA took part in either destroying these lives or having them murdered. To further the destruction, they caused confusion and used the word "conspiracy" to throw people off their scent, leading them to many dead ends. Then, people would quit looking their way and look another way, blaming the innocent when they were the guilty ones. Evidence is coming big time, so hold on for what comes out next that will bring great shock to this Nation.