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Dream August 2023
Not too far in the future people will no longer say His name, they will call him the man with the OPEN ARMS, because either we won't be able to say His name due to persecution or because it's just will be forbidden to say His name in public places, there will be a HUGE CROSS with Jesus on it and they will have Him holding the Pride flag, there is gonna be a movement where they will TELL US CHRISTIANS , that the Jesus we worship is wrong and that we got it wrong, so they will have their own Jesus, it will be called the Open arms movement or project. There will be many that will unite under this NEW RELIGION/JESUS, to bring peace, peace and unity among gays among blacks and whites and eventually the World , but it is all a LIE! I could almost feel Gods anger He will not let this blasphemy pass without punishment!
Admin Note: This is already kinda happening now. However, I get the feeling that this will happen in a lot greater measure in the future.