It shall happen as I have ordained, and so an indisputable witness, a testimony shall be heard and it will come from the mouth of the enemy. There shall be no question of credibility says the Lord for the one who deceives the people shall come to the Lord. (FULFILLED)
Conviction will be fall upon them and they shall speak of the evil they have done in the enemies name, people will therefor be in shock. They will say “have we had the wool pulled over our eyes?”. This will cause great shame and silence on the media for they have spoken evil for too long And so you shall see a temporary awakening, it should last for some time as a reprieve before the end. For things will again turn to evil but that time has not yet come. First they shall save the children. This will deal a blow to the enemy but yet he will rise again but at that time I will gather my people from all walks of life and they shall be lifted to heaven for what will transpire will be a wrath upon the earth. The awaken will shake the world but will not end all evil. Only my sons victory shall be the final defeat of the enemy and his earthly kingdom.
For the time being watch as I move my hand and cause the Donkey to speak…for once he will speak the truth and there will be no questioning the source. (FULFILLED)
This will anger the enemy and he will gather his army but his defeat is imminent. Be concerned not of the time for I hold the watch of destiny and I control the turn of time. Those who will worship me shall never perish but forever live in the spirit for the enemy will never control you, my people, my remnant, this shall be your time before the uprising of evil. So go forth and make disciples of many nations for the time will come of the antichrist, no longer a spirit but a person, and embodiment of evil under the direction of the enemy.
My people will face persecution for a period, had it not been cut short. They shall be risen and removed before the armies of heaven descend upon the earth. For in that day many will perish and belong to the evil one. A swift hand of justice will be unstoppable and destruction eminent. For the time will come of the end of all things flesh. I will make a new heaven and a new earth, and my kingdom will reign forever.