There will be a collapse, all right, but it will be the globalists, their economy, and their world order. Watch them all fall in these days of great changes, saith the Lord of Hosts.
Economies worldwide will stall. They will fall, and it will appear as if a worldwide collapse has occurred. My children, remember these words - Babylon. This system is falling. It's theirs, and everything they have will be annihilated by Me, saith the Lord.
"Supply chain disruption worldwide," they will scream. They have it stored in storehouses that are full of stuff they are taking and hoarding for themselves. These storehouses have been found and filmed. This will be exposed to the world, whose names they are under, and which corporations are involved. This was to be the time for the depopulation, mass deaths worldwide, the economy to fall everywhere, and an apocalyptic type of event to take place so they could take over. But I am taking over them, and none of them will be left standing.