The yolk is coming upon Israel's leader right now, says the Lord—that yoke—he will see more and he will hear more from me than he ever has in his life, for I am calling through the darkness and the noise Benjamin son of my right hand. (FULFILLED)
I'm calling through the darkness and I'm going to cause you to turn to My Word and to know in whom your salvation is and he shall know it, and at some point in his life, he shall declare it, says the Lord, for he is coming under that yoke, and he will be the ox for Me, says the Lord, that topples the regime of Iran.
He shall be the ox for Me that helps plow the fields in America, for your nation is meant to be a friend and a brother to Israel and that needs to be reconciled in this season says the Lord for they have attempted to separate it;
Admin Note: This is pointing towards Bibi getting saved, and also partially fulfills the "America and Israel Will Become The Best Of Friends" prophecy.