
 Prophecy:   The Prophecies of Israel

 Name:   Amanda Grace

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Fulfilled  

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The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "The time of the shofar – the time of the trumpet," says the Lord. "There shall be complete upheaval in Israel as it is indeed a new year. And a new way shall be made for a NEW leader to arise in Israel, assisted by one familiar with that seat, as lightning strikes in Israel shall hit in KEY areas, as well as unusual pressure and weather that shall indicate what is moving in the spirit; as I the Lord thy God am getting ready to completely cut open the entrails of their government and spill out and flush out what has been IMPACTED and blocking what I the Lord God have decreed and written on a scroll and sent it into the earth – into Israel," says the Lord of hosts. (FULFILLED)

"And that scroll has been read by the holy angels, and the instruction is being carried out, as I the Lord thy God am causing a crack in the brotherhood that has a grip on Israel. There shall be a crack and then total division as they turn on each other over the slightest comment that shall be made – the spark that ignites the fire," says the Lord of hosts. "And MY HOLY FIRE is set to burn near the Temple Mount. What man would call 'strange occurrences' will occur around the Temple Mount as a sign that what lies underneath is shifting. And there shall be a discovery brought to the surface from that location, as even the Wailing Wall shall lose a piece as an indication that I the Lord am tearing down their stronghold that they have built. (FULLFILLED - See "Palestinian Attack on Israel from Gaza" for more proofs and details)

"And those who have turned on their own people, who are stealing the silver and the gold, who have been moving it from vaults into another neighboring country, shall be caught RED HANDED," says the Lord of hosts. "Watch and see as these things come forth and are brought to pass."
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