
 Prophecy:   Global Economic Reset

 Name:   Robin Bullock

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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Starting at 2 hr,20 min: I saw this bubble with God’s people in it. The Lord said that the markets will crash and fall, but it will be short lived. I have you in this bubble that I am going to prosper you while the crashing starts. Prosperity was just put in this bubble. And the Lord says during the crashing of waves, it is to stop in a three-month period (ie, it'll only be 3 months long), something like that, is to stop the righting of the ship (ship is reference to USA, and speaks of this crash being meant to stop the recovery of the USA). So, it’s very short lived so don’t panic and say where is God. God is in it…

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There is a crash coming in the economy, and it will be short lived because it is man generated, and they are fighting against God.

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