Taken from http://calvaryapostolicgallia.com/:
Pastor T.D. Hale has preached the gospel for almost 40 years in many states across America and overseas. Internationally known for visitations from the Lord given to him concerning events of the future of America. 5th Generation Pentecostal and raised in a home that loved God. At the age of 14 he received the gift of the Holy Ghost - Nov. 5, 1977 in Rio Grande, Ohio - 2017 was forty years ago. Shortly feeling the call to go into ministry in 1979. Married on July 2, 1984 to his lovely wife of 34 years. The Lord blessed this union with three children and NINE grandchildren. Still going strong after 38 years of ministry. With the anointing to preach and teach he has always said, "This is my life." If you are ever in the area of Gallipolis, Ohio come out and hear this anointed man of God, you will be blessed!
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