The summary of this prophecy is that the price of gas, for a season, will rise exponentially, and catastrophically, to the point that it destroys economies, bankrupts people, and makes it impossible to drive, fly, ship products, etc.. This prophecy does NOT conflict with the Gas Below a Dollar prophecy, as they're separate events that happen at different times. This price spike will be caused by artificial means, as it will be entirely intentional, and will be completely detached from the fact that there's enough oil still in the ground to supply the world for the next 400+ years. However, due to evil men with evil purposes, access to that bounty has been restricted intentionally with the intent to hurt the entire world. That's why it'll be temporary as God is going to reveal this fact soon, and bring gas below a dollar, and the world oil supplies into great surplus. (re: gas below a dollar prophecy) But, until then, gas prices will skyrocket, and be heavily contributory towards the Global Economic Reset that's coming as well, of which this artificial price spike is a greater part of.
(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error?
Please let me know. Thanks*)