
Mega Banks Collapse
Posted On January 2nd, 2015
  Status:   Pending: 5   In Progress: 4   Partial Fulfillment: 5   Fulfilled: 3  

This speaks of a time when the big mega banks all across the world will collapse and implode due to a major catastrophic economic event. The most likely thing to cause this is the coming global economic collapse in which very few banks will survive.  Or perhaps this may be a separate event that precedes or precipitates the global economic collapse.  Nobody is quite certain.  All that is known is that at least one mega bank (the two big to fails) will ultimately fail causing economic hardship on a LOT of people and companies the world over.

(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*)
  Supporting Verses:   None
  Teachings and Explanations: 
  Source Keys:    
Prophecy Type:     Unknown: Prophecy: Vision: Dream:
Prophecy Status:   Unknown (U)   Pending (P)   In Progress (IP)   Partial Fulfillment (PF)   Fulfilled (F)   Failed (D) 
  Proofs and Sources: (17)   
  F  Amanda Grace (14) 
  P  Brandon Biggs  
  PF  David Wilkerson (30) 
  PF  Julie Green (52) 
  PF  Julie Green (190) 
  F  Julie Green (11) 
  PF  Julie Green (67) 
  IP  Julie Green (60) 
  PF  Julie Green (29) 
  P  Julie Green  
  IP  Julie Green (39) 
  P  Julie Green  
  IP  Kim Clement (331) 
  F  Kim Clement (13) 
  IP  Liberty Turnipseed (239) 
**Proofs and Fulfillments can now be found under the individual source entries above.**
  Keywords:   Banking, Collapse
Last Updated: Sunday, December 8th, 2024 at 9:47am