I'm still here. :)
Wednesday, August 9th, 2023 12:18am

Edit: I'm back. :)  I'm still a little tired, but it was a good vacation. ^_^ -------------------------------------------- I've had a few of you ask about what's up with the site, and the fact that there's been no updates since the first of August.  I can assure y ... View More

Time Off
Monday, July 17th, 2023 7:34pm

I'm just letting everyone know in advance, so that nobody freaks out, that I've decided to start taking time away from PI for my own physical and mental well being.  I mean, you deal with bad news every single day, it begins to wear on you.  To begin this I plan to start using my r ... View More

Doing Site Cleanup/Housekeeping
Sunday, June 25th, 2023 3:00pm

Hey everyone, just a quick note.  If you're seeing a bunch of modern prophecy sources getting updated, don't freak out.  Well, you can, but there's no need to. ;)  Anyhow, what you're seeing is the result of me doing some housecleaning on the site.  I finally got ... View More

Need Help Finding Reports - The Blessing and Cursing of Farmers
Thursday, June 22nd, 2023 7:27pm

Hey all, I'm asking for a little help from all of you.  Here's the assignment.  I'm starting to hear chatter about farmers, during this period of drought in the USA, experiencing either feast (ie, their crops are doing great) or famine (their crops are drying up and dying).&nbs ... View More

Help Request: Prophecy discussion team
Thursday, June 1st, 2023 3:58pm

Hey guys, I just wanted to put a notice out there that I can use help again.  Even though things are slowing down news wise (as you can see by the smaller number of updates being posted), my schedule, and other things, are making it hard to keep up with the site, and I know that things need att ... View More

Heads Up: Bug Fixes
Tuesday, May 9th, 2023 4:22pm

I just wanted to let all of you know that I've gone ahead and pushed an update to the site today to fix some rather annoying bugs that have been hanging around for a while that I either overlooked, or hadn't been able to get to until recently.  None of them were security bugs, but rathe ... View More

A call for help again (UPDATED!)
Wednesday, March 8th, 2023 1:15pm

EDIT: haha!  Whoever of you prayed for my schedule to ease up, thank you, because it cleared up a day or two after I posted this, and is still improving. :)  So I'm doing better now.  But still, please keep watching for new stuff to show up as always. ^_^ Hi everyone!  As ... View More

Help Needed: More Eyes Globally Please
Thursday, January 19th, 2023 1:54pm

This is just a simple request to everyone, especially those of you reading from other nations than the USA, that I can really use your help keeping up with things in your country or region.  That's mostly because, while I do see a few things from time to time, most of those are only things ... View More

New Feature Added and Two Bug Fixes
Wednesday, January 4th, 2023 1:28pm

Hi everyone.  I just have a few quick updates to the site itself to report for you as I've spent some time, and made some changes that will add to your experience here, and fix a couple bugs in the site that were causing issues. 1.  Prophets have been added to the search tool.  ... View More

An Update and a Request - More Eyes and Site Theme
Tuesday, December 20th, 2022 5:31pm

Hey again, everyone, and thanks as always to everyone that's been sending in proofs, links to new sources, fulfillments, updates, problem and error reports, and so on.  You're all a great help and a blessing to me, as it's just me right now behind the proverbial curtain, so any extr ... View More

Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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