General Milley, you will answer for what you have done against this nation. Treason! Yes, people will find out who you are and what you have done. The military will strip you of your medals and remove any honor you received. Treason will be your end and written on you for all eternity. But, General Milley, you are just one that I will expose. None of you can run and hide from the treason you committed. With China? Yes, they paid you to turn your backs, justify this fraudulent government, and allow this coup. You knew you did wrong but refused to repent. You have no remorse, and you would do it again for money and power. General Milley, you thought your actions would give you security. But if you wanted peace and security, you chose the wrong side. You are about to take a fall, and you won't recover. Yes, your exposure is now, General Milley. You will be a general no more.