Prophecy: Great Exposures Shall Abound
Name: Julie Green
Source URL: Click to View
Type: Prophecy
Status:  Fulfilled
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Summary: Starting at 20:55. AG Bill Barr. The truth will soon be revealed about you, about why you did certain things, not to stand for their freedoms. Your name will be vindicated, and what you did needed to be done in that time. All of this had to take place. Clearing your name, and showing the covert assignment that needed to happen to save them.
Also: https://www.jgminternational.org/prophecies/a-great-change-is-upon-you
Bill Barr will be in the news. Watch and listen for what he is about to say. He will give a hint to you, My children, to let you know whose side he is really on. Some have played parts in these chess moves that had to look like they were playing for a different side when they were actually playing on Mine. (Admin Note: A recent interview seems to point to this being partially fufilled)
Admin note: I'm putting this here as I really don't have anywhere else to put it, but wanted it to be out there for now until I can find a better home for it as I think this is important to know. |