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 Prophecy:   The Prophecies of New York

 Name:   Julie Green

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    In Progress  

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Summary or Prophecy Text

Summary: Starting at 11:34m. New York, your governor is being exposed for what she really is; a Jezebel, a witch sent to enslave you. Your mayor in NYC will be exposed, and will take a fall, and won't get back up from this. A cleansing will take place in your state and city.

But first you will hear of a terrorist plot on that city. They want to try another bigger one than 9/11 to paralyze your nation. I have people in place to stop it, and expose this plan, before it takes place. Vengeance is Mine, and these are the days of reckoning on this Earth.

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Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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