Liz Cheney, the full truth will be uncovered of your part in the deep swamp. You are another wolf in sheep's clothing. You'll be tried for treason. So much will be exposed about you. You are being exposed, you will fall, and you will never get back up. All of your riches, power and life will be stripped from you. (Partial Fulfillment)
Liz Cheney, you will be exposed. You chose the wrong side for security. They are letting you go. Who are they? The elites and the swamp that took over your government. They have no use for you anymore. This exposure you will not recover from. Liz, you had time to repent, and you refused, so judgment is coming to you that you will not be able to hide from. A wolf in sheep's clothing, yes, but also the spirit of Jezebel has overtaken you. Since you have no remorse for the crimes you have committed, your fall will be great. (FULFILLED)
Liz Cheney is about to fall big time, and nothing can stop this fall from taking place, saith the Lord of Hosts. (FULFILLED)