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 Prophecy:   Two Politicians Will Die In One Day

 Name:   Julie Green

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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Summary or Prophecy Text

Summary: A major death will happen in your congress. Watch, this big name person will die, and know there is more to follow. Watch as a person in your senate will fall on the floor, never to get back up again.


I have told you before, and I will remind you again, this is about to take place. A senator and a congressman will die on the same day. When you see this, know that these are the days the Angel of Death will plague the ones causing continual destruction to this Nation.


Summary: Starting at 8:31m. A major death on the senate floor will rock your senate chambers. On the same day, one will fall in the House of Representatives. Watch, My children, I AM moving across DC to judge and settle the cases for My children. Vengeance is Mine, and the world is seeing My vengeance strike the enemy down to the ground.


Look at what they will come out and act like in public. They are losing their minds. Some of them, yes. You are about to hear another congressman died suddenly and then a senator old and new, saith the Lord.

There are no proofs to display at this time.

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Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
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