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 Prophecy:   A Shakeup in the US Military

 Name:   Julie Green

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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Woe to those in the Pentagon. What you have done with the taxpayers' dollars is heinous, to say the least. I warned you to draw back, but you refused. The enemies of Almighty God who work in the Pentagon and all the spies in that place will be eradicated by My Hand. Shockwaves will come to this Nation when your books are truly opened, not only the ones you have been showing to prove your spending but also the ones you concealed behind closed doors in certain places that only the puppet masters and certain specific puppets can see. Everything on your hidden servers that shows the real proof of what you are truly hiding will bring a righteous rebellion against you. Truth will prevail, and everyone who took part in these crimes here and abroad will be removed. 


I am cleaning out the Pentagon and all military personnel who are truly against this country. My children, brace for what you are about to hear—how many in your military were put there by the Deep State. Those bureaucrats destroyed the integrity, intelligence, and dignity of their own military forces. There have been many who profited from the wars around this Earth. Some even helped to strengthen your enemies in foreign lands by paying them off, even giving them weapons in the dead of night. 


The Pentagon's real books are coming out, and where all the military funding has truly gone will bring shock to this Nation. Your enemies in own your government and military will have to account for all the money they have stolen from you. 

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