A major bombshell is about to be leaked. Proof that the orders for the indictments came directly from the White House—the judges, the lawyers, the design of the indictments, and the manipulation of the law will all come out. I will show you that Nancy, Obama, Hillary, "the Biden," and Kamala, along with many others, made these things up to imprison My David and to prevent him from taking office.
I will also show you the order for the Butler assassination attempt and how the White House, the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, and the Secret Service were all in cahoots to take out My David that day. Heads are about to spin, you would say, when the wall of deception is completely decimated, and the truth comes out about the establishment's dealings and corruption to kill My David and anything against their agenda. Your enemies are on a slippery slope that they are about to fall off of, says the Lord.
To Adam Schiff and many in Washington: undeniable proof about all your connections to the attempted assassination of President Trump is coming. Every person connected and responsible will be exposed and judged in unprecedented ways.
Breaking reports will come out about how much the FBI was involved in Butler, who worked with Thomas Crooks, who trained him, and who was helping him that day.