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 Prophecy:   The Arrest and Removal Of Those Who Are Corrupt

 Name:   Julie Green

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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Summary or Prophecy Text

Antony Blinken is about to be exposed for the criminal he is. Your enemies are willing to let him go to save others from the exposure that is about to hit Washington. 

Lloyd Austin is about to have some explaining to do. The skeletons in his closet will also be released. 


To the Washington establishment: this Nation does not belong to you and what you are planning to do next against this Nation and My David will further your demise. Secrets are coming from Guantanamo that you never wanted out—secrets about who has been there. Some of them are singing like canaries and telling everything they know about you. Many were a part of the establishment, but they see it sinking like the Titanic, and they are choosing to switch sides to save themselves. So, to all who are in DC against Me: I, the Lord of Hosts, have your number, and it is about to run out. 

There are people in your three-letter agencies that have turned over secret videos, emails, and explosive evidence because they have turned against you after the assassination attempts against My David. They have turned against you because of what they have seen at the border and because they know your plan to use a foreign military to strike your own Nation. There are people turning away from you left and right, a mass exodus from the establishment—to destroy your power and to save this Nation and their freedoms from the clutches of your hands. 

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Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
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