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 Prophecy:   A Shakeup in the US Military

 Name:   Julie Green

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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Military secrets are about to be leaked, secrets about how your government was helping foreign nations (do things) against you. Yes, against you. Did you know this: My children in the land of My Eagle? These secrets will shock this Nation—how your leaders were destroying it from within and using some in your military to do this for them. They have been sabotaging military units and destroying the lives of the soldiers to keep these secrets. And some even lost their lives.

My children, much evil has gone on in your Pentagon, evil that has helped with the destruction of this Nation. I will show you the phone records, emails, and private conversations that show how deep and dark this all goes. They will show how many in your government paid for the murders of American soldiers after they completed covert operations, to hide and cover up their tracks, to keep their secrets, and to keep their plans in motion to take down My Eagle. They abandoned and damaged your soldiers on purpose. And now, it is all about to shake this Nation. There will be My vengeance, and there will be My restoration of all that has been stolen from you. I told you, My children, to brace for what you are about to hear because I am about to make it clear who the real enemies are.


Military secrets will be released. Your government used and abused many to do their dirty work and played them like pawns on a world scale. But I will reveal it all—how those in Washington were working with other nations and how they used war and chaos to steal more from you for their financial gain and more control. Do not trust anything Washington has to say. They are liars, and I will show you what was hidden at your Pentagon and what has been in your deserts. My children, shock is coming, so brace for it.

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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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