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 Prophecy:   The Shaking of the Judicial System

 Name:   Julie Green

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Fulfilled  

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Judge Merchan: you are not a judge at all. I will show the world that this was not constitutional. I will also show the world that you are not above the law. You will not stay in that seat because I am your defeat, saith the Lord.


Judge Merchan does not have the power he thinks he has. A setup is about to implode, and he will fall for the attempts he has made against My David. Shocking evidence is coming forth which will destroy this so-called conviction against My David. Sentencing, ha! This is just a distraction and another illusion. The law does not back this so-called sentencing. Just wait. You will see that they are nothing against Me. They do not have the power to take him out or imprison him. Your enemies are about to seriously regret the moves they have made in this case because it will bring several more against them, saith the Lord. 

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