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 Prophecy:   The Prophecies of Vadimir Putin

 Name:   Joie Pirkey

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Vision  

 Status:    In Progress  

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Summary or Prophecy Text

Summary of the important parts of this prophecy:

- Russia fires rocket west (FULFILLED)
- war will be bloody (FULFILLED)
- slaughter will occur in Crimea (FULFILLED)
- Ukraine will split
- Russians will be unhappy about the split and turn on putin
- Putin will fall
- Communism in Russia will fall
- Russia will break up
- Shokin's brother or partner will be vocal about the corruption and factions in Ukraine (FULFILLED)
- czars will return

Admin Note: Some of the proofs of this will be found in the "The Humbling and Judgment of Russia" and "The War of Russia and Ukraine" prophecies. I'm merely lumping these together here because they'll all be connected together even though they cover other areas too.

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Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
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