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 Prophecy:   Three Days Of Darkness

 Name:   Diana Larkin

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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Summary or Prophecy Text

“There will be THREE DAYS of DEEP DARKNESS where it looks like the evil agenda has WON. I will use these three day to FULLY AWAKEN the sleepers and all will know that a WAR has been going on for their FREEDOM, and they were CLUELESS. The AWAKENING will be RUDE, and it will SHAKE them to the CORE. I will ALLOW the arrogant elite to THINK they have won and that they are now in CONTROL. They will STUMBLE ALL OVER EACH OTHER to REVEAL themselves to the world as those in POWER and CONTROL. The MESMERIZED world will be SHOCKED at the DEEP DARKNESS, HATRED, and DEPRAVITY that is displayed. Do you see that I AM using the APPEARANCE of WINNING to give them a FALSE SENSE of SECURITY so that they will TOTALLY REVEAL who they are? I AM letting you know about these THREE DARK DAYS so that you DO NOT PANIC or LOSE HEART. Keep in mind I have PROMISED a GRAND RESCUE, but a GRAND REVEALING must come first. On THE FOURTH DAY, your Nation will SUDDENLY BE RESURRECTED to NEW LIFE, as My MIGHTY OPERATION RESCUE WIPES OUT the darkness and BRINGS DOWN their CONTROL IN A DAY. A GREAT CELEBRATION will ERUPT as people realize I have RESCUED your Nation. I will use My Host, My Army of Light, and your loyal Military in a PERFECTLY EXECUTED PLAN that REMOVES the ARROGANT ELITE, and they are handed over for TRIBUNALS and JUDGMENT. You will experience, firsthand, the phrase ‘DARK TO LIGHT.’ Lazarus lay in the grave for THREE DAYS but on THE FOURTH DAY My Son called him FORTH TO LIFE. You keep speaking over your Nation and CALLING IT FORTH TO RESURRECTION LIFE, and it will rise again on THE FOURTH DAY.”

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