Ukraine- truth is about to explode everywhere. Things are definitely not how they appear to be there. A lot of smoke and mirrors, you would say. The money and the reason for it is a lie. Zelensky is a liar and an actor. Your tax dollars are going to hide something significant going on in Ukraine that they are doing to help this fraudulent government against you, oh, United States. There is another plague they want to hit you with, and it's in Ukrainian labs, funded by this supposed government that thinks it's in control. Well, something is brewing that you can't see that will destroy their plans and expose them all. Trafficking will be annihilated there as well, and so will the sacrifices made for the government and world control. It's all coming to an end. So, stand and shout- expose it all, Lord, and expose it speedily.
Admin Note: Some proofs for this prophecy can also be found over at The War of Russia and Ukraine prophecy.