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 Prophecy:   The Prophecies of South America

 Name:   Julie Green

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    In Progress  

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Brazil: the truth is coming. Your elections will be overturned. They stole from you, and I will remove them all, saith the Lord.
Brazil To Completely Shut Down Access to X Due to ‘Dangerous’ Non-Mainstream... - Report Link
BRAZIL AWAKENS: Hundreds of Thousands Gather in Rio's Copacabana Beach Against D... - Report Link
Elon Musk Says X Will Defy Order From Brazil's Supreme Court After Twitter Files... - Report Link
Brazil's Bolsonaro Indicted for Allegedly Faking Vaccine Record | - Report Link
One of Biggest Protests in Brazil’s History Calls for Impeachment of Socialist... - Report Link
Israeli FM Declares Brazil’s Lula Persona Non Grata Over Remarks Comparing Gaz... - Report Link
Bolsonaro Again Ruled Ineligible to Hold Public Office by Brazil Electoral Court - Report Link
Brazil has become a guinea pig for the global effort to censor information – T... - Report Link
Brazil: Lula Limits Gun Rights by Decree, Hoping for a 'Disarmed Country' - Report Link
Brazilian President Lula Who Was Backed by Biden and the CIA Announces He Is Pro... - Report Link
Brazil court has majority to bar Bolsonaro from public office for 8 years - Report Link
Biden Launched CIA, Military Campaign Against Bolsonaro in Brazil. - Report Link
Bolsonaro Returns To Brazil From Florida, Faces Down Multiple Criminal Investiga... - Report Link
The Return of 'The Myth': Bolsonaro to Fly Back to Brazil - Lula Fears Popular P... - Report Link
Lula’s Brazilian “Indigenous” Charity Embezzled $6.5 Million - Report Link
Brazil Police Raid Governor’s House Over Capital Riots - Report Link
"Brazil is Going Full Gulag. This is the Worst Communist Takeover Ever” - Report Link
Watch: Thousands of Bolsonaro Supporters Storm Brazil’s Congress, Supreme Cour... - Report Link
NEVER GIVE UP.. Brazilians are shining light in a dark world - YouTube - Report Link
Brazil's New President Revokes Jair Bolsonaro's Pro-Gun Policies - Report Link
PERSECUTION: Socialists Intend to Arrest Brazilian President for Warning about t... - Report Link
Brazilian End Game - Miami Independent - Report Link
Brazil: Indios Storm Supreme Court to Demand Chief's Release, Left Prepares Crac... - Report Link
Gun Ownership Has Grown 6X in Brazil in Just 4 Years. Leftists Are Stunned by Wh... - Report Link
Brazilian Mom Fights for Freedom: "Only the Armed Forces Can Save Brazil" - Report Link
Brazil Federal Police Raid 80 Bolsonaro Supporters: "It is Going to Get Ugly" - Report Link
UNBELIEVABLE: Electoral Court in Brazil to Investigate Bolsonaro; LEFTIST JUDGE ... - Report Link
The Soros Files Brazil: Barack Obama, PetroBras and the Biggest Corruption Scand... - Report Link
Brazilian Military Begin Executing Lula da Silva Officials As Bolsonaro Declared... - Report Link
Brazil Military Kills "Red Command" Cartel Leaders, Prepares Take Over - Report Link
Brazil: Jake Sullivan Invites Communist Criminal Lula to USA as Indios Protest, ... - Report Link
GO TIME? Military Deploy in Brazil - "Martial Law Coming Next Week" - Report Link
Breaking Report: The Brazilian military stands with Bolsonaro... is prepared to ... - Report Link
BREAKING: Brazilian Military Stands with Bolsonaro - Is Prepared to Invoke Artic... - Report Link
Richarlison scores the goal of the World Cup in Brazil’s impressive win - Report Link
Brazil Freezes Bank Accounts of Citizens Protesting Election Results - Slay News - Report Link
BREAKING: Bolsonaro files official court challenge to annul Brazil's election | ... - Report Link
Powerful Demonstration of ‘We the People’ Happening Now in Brazil ? ? The Li... - Report Link
"Pretty Much the Same Way" - Eduardo Bolsonaro Agrees the Brazilian Left Stole t... - Report Link
BRAZIL UPDATE - Massive Gatherings Continue as People Protest the Socialists Ste... - Report Link
The People of Brazil and the Military Continue to Work Together to Overcome the ... - Report Link
Brazilian Leaders and Military Reportedly Planning to Release Evidence of a Corr... - Report Link
BREAKING: Brazilian President Presser Tonight - Will Announce Military Audit of ... - Report Link
Truckers, farmers and patriots take Brazil. They ask the military leaders to arr... - Report Link
Lara Logan on Twitter: "Protests in Brazil over an election result millions do n... - Report Link
Brazil judge orders police to clear roadblocks by pro-Bolsonaro truckers | Brazi... - Report Link
BREAKING: Brazilian President Plans Presser Tonight - Will Announce Military Aud... - Report Link
Brazil: Pro-Bolsonaro Truckers Block Highways in 12 States - Report Link
Brazil Coup Fears Rise as Thousands of Jair Bolsonaro Supporters Flock to Capita... - Report Link
Trucks, Protesters Block Brazil Highways After Bolsonaro Rout - Insider Paper - Report Link
Brazil's firearm ownership booms, and gun laws loosen, under President Bolsonaro... - Report Link
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Detonates Truth Bombs All Over Virtue-Signali... - Report Link

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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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