Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch will be in your news more and more- a newfound boldness, you would say. What was holding them hostage to rule will no longer hold them that way. Do you see it? (FULFILLED)
Justice will be served in your Nation again. The highest court in the land is being cleansed, and those that don't belong there, I will remove. And the ones that do remain, boldness and fearlessness will be seen. My hand is holding them up and will protect them. They will now know all is well, and this fraudulent government, including a One World Government, will not control them or hold them hostage with their threats. No, their power is gone, and it will not prevail. Neil, I have blessed you, and I will use you more and more. Go and rule how you know is right, and I will be with you, saith the Lord.
Kavanaugh: this name will also be in your news. Surprises are in store for this Nation. A line has been drawn, and the world will know what side each is on. I will protect you, Brett. They can no longer hold that knife to your throat. No, their hands and their power over you have been stripped away by Me. Do what you have been called to do, and I will be there for you, saith the Lord. (FULFILLED)