
 Prophecy:   A Worldwide Pre-Tribulation "End of Age" Harvest and Revival

 Name:   Kenneth Hagin Sr.

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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The latter rain shall be poured out. Yea, upon nations that are now barren and void. But the rain will be poured out. The seed will be planted. The harvest will come. The glory of God will shine upon the earth. And the power shall rest upon you. And the glory of God shall be seen upon your face! Many shall turn to the Lord. Great days, great times, great blessings are ahead. So rejoice and be glad.

Yea, listen to what the Spirit is saying. For there will be an outpouring of the Holy Ghost in these latter days. The latter rain - the early rain and the latter rain to gather in the fruit of the earth which He is waiting to receive before He comes again. Yea, it's coming!

There shall be a restoration! There is a restoration in progress at the moment. A restoration! A restoration, spiritually speaking, when there shall be restored a full manifestation of the Spirit. . . . and He's endeavored to divide the manifestations unto many who sit here, and you have not responded.

There are no proofs to display at this time.