We are coming into perhaps the most significant day in church history. There are a number of things that are going to begin to converge. We talked about (the book of) Luke and the signs. There is going to be a convergence of the signs. With it there is going to be an acceleration and they are all going to overlap. When that happens, there is a company of people that have been hidden in God for a season but they are coming out of hiding and they are going to stand in the courts of Pharaoh. Like Moses did (Exodus 7-12) and Elijah did (1 Kings 18:20-40), they are going to challenge the spirits. They are going to challenge the powers of Egypt.
The earth is going to see a 21st century manifestation of the demonstration of the Spirit, not from one or two, but from a many membered body. God is going to have the church of His dreams. All of the institutionalizing that we have done to the church, all the things we have done to try to make it our thing instead of God's thing, God has had the church under wraps for 2,000 years. Maybe that's why there are 2,000 cubits between where this generation is and the ark because God wants a church that has been in hiding and prepared for power by severe testing, severe trial, severe tribulation in every single season and they feel like they are not going to be used and it is too late and it is all over. That is the company that is prepared for power.
They've been like John the Baptist in the wilderness eating locusts and wild honey, strange food. They have had to learn to glean from the word when they were just getting little pious platitudes from preachers all around the country. They are being weaned away from everything that is contradictory to the powerful truth of the word of God. That company is coming out of hiding. They are going to cross Jordan. They are going to move into a manifestation of power where there will not just be power on one or two, but there is going to be power on multiplied thousands and thousands.