Prophecy: Prophecies of the Koreas
Name: Charlie Shamp
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Type: Prophecy
Status:  Pending
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From ElijahList:
"A Shaking to Korea! The Madman From the North Will Be Disarmed!"
Charles Shamp, Nashville, TN
Taken from a prophetic word posted by Charles Shamp on April 10, 2017:
I have seen a great awakening coming to Korea; one that will shake the land from the south to the far north. I heard the Lord say, "Can a nation be awakened and united in a day?"
I said, "Only You truly know Father."
Then the Lord said, "I am shaking the Korean government to break corruption that has been there for generations. Yes this is My doing! For I see the land as one; this division will no longer stand in My sight. In My eyes there has never been a divide, only one land, one people and one nation in My hands.
Korea - No Longer a Divided Kingdom
"I will wipe away the military zone and will remove the one who divides and destroys from his throne. I will remove him by an unseen force, one that many will not believe. I will shake the land in the north to release a great awakening which has been prophesied by My Prophets' lips for many generations. This awakening will come with great force, like lightning when it strikes and shakes the ground.
"There will be a rumbling in the north and the crumbling of buildings will be a sign of this crumbling kingdom. I will use an unusual force to break down the walls of division. Yes the walls will fall along with the north kingdom.
"I will bring freedom to those who have been imprisoned and they will finally see My Son shining bright. The light of My Kingdom will radiate and displace all darkness that has been resting like a canopy for generations.
"The canopy of fear will be shaken out and replaced by My Spirit of peace and prosperity. I will use a power that is unseen, unthinkable, and unbelievable by the minds of men to disarm the 'madman' of the north. It will shock many. The masses will see the thunder strike the ground and his kingdom come down.
"There have been strange things, these days, that have come into this madman's dreams. His mind is only filled with destruction, deceit and darkness; he knows his time is short. He has forged a demonic plan, but he will fail to execute it to the fullest extent. For his twisted thinking has him creating a dark future for many, but I have set before him two stumbling blocks: justice and judgment. The mind of this man will fail and his capacity to retain information and understanding will be his final downfall. A great mistake is to come and he will fall from his place of demonic rule."
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