
 Prophecy:   The Fall of Many World Leaders

 Name:   Julie Green

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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A political reset will cause a great shaking in your Nation. It will bring down giants in unprecedented ways. There will be recalls, special elections, and automatic removals, and many will resign on their own when the great lie of 2020 is brought down, when January 6 is brought down, and when the midterm election in 2022 is brought down. Many elections at the state, local, and federal levels are being proven to be fraudulent, and it will bring automatic removals for many. 

Treason will be exposed and proven. How many people the establishment paid in your government is unfathomable—election officials, police, volunteers, judges, governors, AGs, and secretaries of state. My children, the number of people who have been part of the greatest election fraud system ever created will be fully exposed and brought down. I will show you the payments the machine made to stay alive and every foreign government that was involved. It is more than you realize. 

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